School Shooting in CT

I've been out sick from work for nearly 3 weeks with a sinus infection/asthma/bronchitis.  As a result I was home when the reports started coming in Friday morning about the shooting in Sandy Hook Elementary.  I had a very déjà vu-ish feeling as I sat glued to the tv for the entire day.  I did this the day of the Columbine shooting, as well as the Amish school house shooting.  The difference now...I teach at an elementary school.  When the reports were coming in that is was a K class, I began thinking about all of the K students I've taught both as a preschool teacher and an RSP, and even as a sub.  My favorite sub assignment was teaching a K class for a teacher who had a back injury.  A lot of the things I do in my class are a direct result from that experience.

But then u learned it was first graders.  That's my grade! Even though I now teach RSP, my heart is and always will be with teaching first graders.  I thank my former principal for putting me in that grade for the 2009-2010 school year.  It was my niche.  Reading about Vicki Soto, who hid her students in closets, and the other teacher who hid with her students in the bathroom, I pray I would do,that in the same circumstances.

Heaven got 20 new angels on Friday.  I find it very ironic that I always called my younger students cherubs.  It's even on my Facebook.

I'm off for the next 3 weeks.  I know,there will be changes when I go back.  I know some of my students will be asking questions.  I pray I have good answers for them.


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