My crazy day

Dear Readers,

Today has been eventful :)  This morning I heard my lovebird Tweety making noise and I said something to her.  Her cage is by the bay window at the front of the house.  I was in our bedroom at the back of the house.  Next thing I hear is flapping.  Tweety had opened her cage door!  She landed on the bed just as I was ready to make it.  I grabbed a towel from the linen closet and then the fun began!  Tweety did not want to be caught so she flew from my dresser to my head to the linen closet door to my head then to the picture screen and back to the dresser.  She even landed on my jewelry box which has a mirror and proceeded to squawk at the bird in the mirror!  Finally I caught her on the dresser and brought her back to her cage.  She's been playing "Tweety ball" ever since.  She has two small cat toy balls in her cage that she slings around and then tosses into her water bowl.

After all that excitement and getting ready I went with my mom to get my hair cut.  I have very thick hair that gives me headaches when it gets much past my shoulder blades.  I try and cut it when I'm off track.  I've tried several times to grow it to donate and it's just too heavy.

I've spent most of the afternoon reading.  My pastor recommended a book called the 19th Wife.  It's about fundamentalist Mormons.  The language is a bit gritty but I think that is to contrast the modern times with the times when Brigham Young was in charge.  It goes back and forth between the two and eventually there is going to be something that ties both stories together.  I'm pretty sure I know what that is, but I don't want to spoil it for those who might read it.

Last night at Bible study our pastor prayed for Japan.  He hadn't heard any news since early that morning so he was unaware of how bad things were getting.  I'm continuing to pray for the men working to keep the plant from going into a major meltdown.  I'm also praying for the people who were effected by the quake/tsunami as well as those who are trying to leave the country.  They have even said that military families from the US can leave. 

I'm not worried at all about radiation coming to California.  The cloud will dissipate before it ever gets here.  I think it's horrible that some people are fear-mongering during this time including putting up photo-shopped maps of California showing the radiation cloud right over us.  Please know they are liars and that no significant amount of radiation will come to our coast unless San Onofree (the nuclear plant in Southern California) itself goes into meltdown.

Blessings upon you!


  1. I had birds growing up. I remeber chasing our birds around when they escaped:)


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