Radio Gaga!

Today Nick and I went to buy all of our ham radio equipment! A few weeks ago we,passed the test to get our tech lisence. I got interested in ham radio when I realized it was used a lot during emergencies...considering we live in earthquake country it couldn't hurt to learn how to use them. We went to a shop in Burbank and spent a good 2 1/2 hours there. We got everything we need to get started including antennae, cables, desk top radio with power supply, hand held radios and a few other things. We are still waiting for our names to get into the database. Until that happens we can't transmit.

Tomight we are watching Sy Fy's version of The Philidelphia Experiment. I heard of the previous movie, but didn't know anything about it. It's and interesting concept and my husband is a fan of Nichola Tesla.


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